All posts tagged: tutorial

Painting Guide for the Witches from Mansions of Madness

Painting Witches – Mansions of Madness [May be NSFW]

Not all of the enemies in Mansions of Madness are monsters or direct combat combatants. The Witches are more of a horror causing distraction (as hinted at by their, um, clothing choices). I’ve put together a guide to painting witches. As these have lots of exposed flesh, I focussed on painting the flesh tones. One witch was painted in a dark brown skin and a second in a pale skin. To keep the rest simple, both were painted with the same color robe and hair. Step 1: Base Colors As with most of my painting, the first step was to base in all the major colors. I started with the skin tones as they are the ‘lowest’ sections of the model and take up most of the area. The dark skin was based with Mahogany and the light skin with Medium Fleshtone. The purple ‘clothes’ (as much as there is) were based on Royal Purple. And finally, the hair was based in Stonewall Gray to give them a bit of eeriness. Colors Dark Skin: Model …

Watch This: Painting a Power Sword

Watch This is a regular series where I find a YouTube video that shows neat tricks or tips for our hobby. From painting, building, or photography, I will be looking for great videos for you to watch and write up a brief summary of the steps used. This week brings a video from Tabletop Minions with Sam Lenz. He gives a great step-by-step look into how his method of painting power swords. It’s a mix of Non-Metalic Metals with lightning effects and lots of brush licking*. *There is absolutely nothing wrong with licking your brush 🙂 Well ok, if I could break the habit myself, I would. Some of those paints taste nasty and leave the tip of my tongue tingly Check out the video here: Basic Steps For those who want a run down in text, I’ve put together his steps here on painting power swords: Create mix of water and Acrylic Retardant Lay out blue paints on wet pallet, near-white to dark blue (looked to be about 5 blues) include white and black at each end …

Painting Guide Kate Winthrop

Painting Kate Winthrop – Mansions of Madness Investigator

I’m back with another Mansions of Madness painting tutorial, this week with Kate Winthrop. Kate is a supporting investigator, the scientist who makes uncovering clues and solving puzzles much faster for the investigator team. As I’ve been exploring different skin tone options as well as wanting a diversified investigator team, I decided to paint Kate with a dark skin tone. I also explore some of the shaded basecoat technique where you paint a few layers of highlights before washing it back down. Step 1 – Base Coats So the model was prepped by removing the grotesque number of mold lines and attempted to fill in a few seems. She was then primed with white primer spray and let dry. The main color sections were blocked out. This allows me to get a sense of how she will look in the end and rebalance colors if needed. The skin started with the dark Mahagony brown, the dress a nice deep purple, and of course the lab coat with an off-white base. Colors Skin: Model Color Mahagony Brown …

Good Reads Week 24

Welcome to another week of Good Reads where I showcase a handful of great blog posts from the last few weeks by other amazing bloggers. Check out the posts, hit up their blogs, and hopefully I can share something you may have missed. Making Mud James Wappel is best known for his ‘shaded basecoat’ technique and painting amazing models super fast. He does some great tutorials around the other aspects of the hobby including this great look at how he made very convincing mud bases for his Bolt Action tanks. Another Mansions of Madness Painter I’m still slogging through my miniatures from the Mansions of Madness game and it’s been great to watch Scott as he does a set as well. I’ve definitely stolen some ideas for the pieces I haven’t yet finished. Removing the Shine from Decals Decals are hard enough to set in place to where you need them to, let alone make them look like they fit into the rest of the model.  Judging Jester put together his thoughts on Army Painter’s Anti-shine medium …

Painting Tutorial for the Maniacs

Painting the Maniacs from Mansions of Madness

Another painting tutorial for the Mansions of Madness game. This week I have the Maniacs, crazy ax welding office workers who want nothing better than cut you down a few pegs. Before we start, yes these are rough sculpts and I did miss a few mold lines. But, I hope that this painting guide will help with any of your projects. Each set of models I am trying out a few different techniques, both to push my own bounds but also to provide a variation in the painting guides. For the Maniacs, I wanted to see what could be the minimum I do and still have them look good enough for the game. With that said, the main paint is as simple as a solid base coat, dry brush each section and a full-body wash of dark brown. The rest of the model was covered in an obscene amount of blood spatter so it made up for any mistakes along the way as well. Maniacs Base Coat Both maniacs got a solid base coat over …

Good Reads Week 22

Welcome to another week of Good Reads. If you are looking for a bit of inspiration or new tutorials to read, Good Reads is a collection from recent postings around the web. Check out what your fellow hobbyists have published and leave them a few comments as well! Storm Talon Tibbetts has returned to painting his Marines with a nicely finished Storm Talon for his Eagle Eyes. One of the cool ideas I got from watching his WIP posts is that he glazes the green with yellow to tone it back down. Thousand Sons Forge Fiend Rory has been constantly improving his painting and modeling skills, taking ideas from the many great bloggers in our hobby and putting them to great use. His latest finished piece is a Forge Fiend for his Thousand Sons, but with a great orange twist in honor of Thor. Story Based Game Event Speaking of Thor, he did a write up of an event his has been running that is a story based campaign. Fratris Salutem looked like a fantastic event and the kind …

Painting tutorial for Ashcan Pete

Painting Ashcan Pete – Tutorial and Painting Guide

A second investigator joins the team of painted models, this week with Ashcan Pete. As with the other models of the Mansions of Madness game that I am painting, I have put together a painting guide for him and his faithful dog. Preparation As Ashcan Pete is traveler and vagabond, I painted his clothes to look more worn and threadbare with dry brushing gray over the base colors. It also seemed fitting to give him a rough beard. For prep, the mold lines were shaved down – well at least most of them. There are still a number of noticeable ones on both Pete and his dog, but for a board game piece I was content with the ones I did manage to remove. A white spray primer was used to provide the base coat for all the paints. The primer allows the acrylic paints to adhere to something much better than on the initial plastic. I don’t use anything fancy, just white spray primer I pick up at Home Depot. Painting Order So I broke down …

Primed and painted hound of Tindalos

Painting the Hounds of Tindalos

This week returns to one of the odder monsters in the Mansions of Madness: the Hounds of Tindalos. The hounds were added into the Cthulu mythos by Frank Belknap Long and have never had an ‘official’ description or look. The closest I could find was that they have blue ichor. Fantasy Flight Games (the maker of MoM) decided to go with a serpentine look and mishappen arms. No one has awarded them with the greatest sculpts, but I made the most of it and went with lava or inner fire for the bodies and almost neon blue for the mouth and eyes. Painting the Hounds of Tindalos A quick note: don’t have time to read this now or want to save it for later? I created a downloadable PDF that I can email you for later. Fill in the subscribe box at the bottom and give it a look. Why lava skin? Well, in short because I haven’t had a chance to do so to this point, and I thought the articulated plates would lend themselves well …

Watch This Painting Bases

Watch This: Painting Bases

Today’s Watch This is from Garfy of Tale of Painters where he shows us how he paints his bases. While a relatively simple and straightforward approach, he ends up with great results. In his video tutorial, he walks us through the steps to paint and then detail the bases of his Deathwatch squad with a nice dessert look. Watch This: Painting Bases Some of the things I liked about his video is that each step was short and sweet. There isn’t anything special in his recipe, and he shows that. What he does do is make conscience choices about what colors to use and how to place the grass. An example of this is that he doesn’t just plop down a section of the Mordheim Turf from the package, but rather uses scissors to chop it into smaller, more realistic bits. The Steps: For those that didn’t watch the full video, or want a quick text steps of how he did it, I’ve put them down below. Finish model except for the base Use Texture ‘brush’ …

Jenny Barnes Painting Guild

Jenny Barnes PDF Tutorial

Hey guys, in case you missed it earlier this week, I put together a downloadable painting guide for Jenny Barnes as a PDF. It provides the step-by-step tutorial on how I painted her but also adds the paint recipes used. Even if you don’t like the miniature itself, could you do me a favor and check out the downloadable tutorial? I am looking at making more of these for future tutorials and would love to get your feedback on style, size, and picture types. Why PDF Tutorials and not just blog posts? In part, it’s all Adam’s fault with his Golden D6 magazine. He was able to take one of my blog post tutorials and add even more to it by removing the limitations of the web page (or at least my abilities with web development). You can check out my review on issue three here This is all part of an experiment I’m running with Broken Paintbrush this year on providing more tutorials and other ways to help hobbyist improve their skills. If you …

Sicarian Battle Tank by GunGrave

Good Reads 26 – Rock the Base

Welcome to another week of Good Reads where I highlight a number of amazing hobby articles that have come across my blog feeds. From tutorials to fantastic looking models, I try to distil down a few of my favorites that I feel you just can’t miss out on seeing. So check them out and maybe learn a new idea or get inspired for your next project. Creating Rock Bases Scott has been painting up a bunch of characterful models from Super Dungeon Explorer and creating fantastic looking bases for them. In a two-part series, he shows how he built and painted the rocky outcropping above. Though he kept the secret of the flowers out of this post. Hobby Blogging If you are reading this, clearly you are interested in blogs about our hobby. Also interested in how and why to blog about it? Corrm at St. Andrews Wargaming put together an epic post on his thoughts about hobby blogging. Kings of War With all the radical changes that happened with Age of Sigmar, many gamers have started looking …

How to Paint Jenny Barnes

Jenny Barnes – Painting Tutorial

Jenny Barnes is one of the heroine investigators from Mansions of Madness board game. A pistol-toting flapper that hunts cultists and zombies in high heels and a tight dress. Rather than have her run around as gray plastic, I painted Jenny in her iconic blue outfit and gave her a fairly pale skin. Below I put together a tutorial on how to paint her. Don’t have time to read it all or want a nice, printable version? I also put together a PDF version, just jump to the bottom and fill in your email. From Beginner to Happy, Painting Jenny Barnes Preparation The models from Fantasy Flight Games are in relatively good condition for painting except for some mold lines (see the brim of her hat below). I used a hobby knife to scrape most of the lines off but as you can see I missed a few. Step 1: Primer After priming with White Primer, she was ready to paint. The remaining mold lines (like her hat) were scrapped off as I painted and noticed them. …