Traitor Guard Army Shots
Pictures of my Traitor Guard Army as it continues to grow. Army includes two platoons, company command squad, two armoured sentinels and a lemun russ.
Pictures of my Traitor Guard Army as it continues to grow. Army includes two platoons, company command squad, two armoured sentinels and a lemun russ.
Pictures of my finished Leman Russ Battle Tank for my traitor guard. Although I was hoping to have had a head start on the second challenge for 73rd’s A Tale of Even More Painters with my sentinels, I came back from my work trip to find the challenge was to paint an elites choice, and if none were available then a heavy support could be painted instead. I had neither choice planned for the short term for my traitor guard and didn’t even have any models I could put together for it, but luckily I had one of my brothers old Leman Russ tanks in the back of my closet. With his permission I have relinquished the tank from those who worship the corpse and added it to my growing horde.
So after being inspired by DezartFox’s Khorne Rhinos I started painting my heavy sentinels with a streaky red pattern. I quickly decided to modify the color scheme a bit to fit better with the rest of my army and started painting a fade to yellow to match my commander’s cape.
I have just finished my Company Command Squad for my Traitor Guard and in doing so met the Tale of Even More Painters challenge. Equipped with power weapon, bolt pistol, metla bomb, krak grenades, plasma gun (I love plasma…), medic, regimental standard, vox.
Platoon Two of my traitor guard has been finished.
I ordered these sentinels a couples of weeks ago from FRP Games and DogStarGames through Amazon (thanks work for that gift card!). Although I normally like to buy things from my LFGS, they don’t take Amazon points. I would recommend both of these stores if you do buy online, they both shipped within a day and were in my mail box a few days later. Anyway, onto the pictures! Two heavy sentinels armed with my favorite, non-Apocalypse weapon: plasma cannon goodness! I actually got these models because I like how the heavy sentinel looks and the fact it can mount up a plasma cannon is extra bonus points. It did take me a while to figure out how to glue the legs together. The legs are fully positional which is great to pose the model (and you can see some of the variation possible in my models here) but it makes it hard to glue it together. I found the best way was to glue the feet to the base as far to each side …
Fully painted platoon of the Iron Army of the 14th Grand Company of Iron Warriors. Includes a platoon command, two squads, and two heavy weapon squads with lascannons. Open the full post for pictures.
So I finally found the camera and took some pictures of the platoon command squad I’ve been painting as a test unit. I wanted to see how well an orange color scheme would look before painting 50+ models as well as the added bonus that Bell of Lost Souls is hosting a hobby challenge for command squads. I will need to take some better pictures when the squad is finished but I wanted to post some pictures as they now stand. click on the pictures for a larger image. The squad is currently armed with two grenade launchers, vox and a platoon banner. The commander carries a power sword and bolt pistol. As I build the army and start playing with it I may change up the squad a bit. I don’t think the banners are worth it but they are great visuals that this is a army dedicated to Chaos.
What would Iron Warrior army be complete without some good artillery pieces to pummel the foe? Presented here is my traitor guard basilisk squadron, The Moirae. These tanks were from a prize giveaway at the local Games Workshop Store during the Apocalypse Reloaded release. They have made a great addition to the 14th Grand Company and inspired me to build up a full traitor guard army. Atropos won a mini golden demon award at the local battle bunker, and the full squad won a painting competition at the local store. They have also served the War Smith well in two Apocalypse games raining death upon the foes. I painted them in my Iron Warriors color scheme and made adjustments to the Imperial iconography throughout the tanks. Taking the X-Acto to the tank, I removed the Aquilas and added a few touches of Chaos instead. Clotho is the designated command tank as fitting with the evil commissar enforcing his rule. I had fun building up the gunner crew out of a mix of Cadians, Catachans, and heavy …