All posts tagged: painting

How to Paint Joe Diamond from Mansions of Madness

Painting Joe Diamond a Mansions of Madness Tutorial

Mansions of Madness provides a great mix characters to investigate the mysteries. Some are the intellectuals to solve riddles, and others are like Joe Diamond. A classic Noir PI, he has his duster flapping and pistols ready. Unlike Noir, I wanted Joe to have some color – makes the game more fun in a way. So a red duster, yellow tie, and bright white hat and shirt fit the bill. All the paints used were from the Vallejo range. You can grab all the colors with either the Game Color Set or the Skintones Set. Shirt, Shoes, Hat Game Color Wolf Grey Game Color Sombre Grey Game Color Dead White Jacket, Pants Game Color Charred Brown Game Color Beastly Brown Duster Model Color Scarlett Red Game Color Tan Game Color Khaki Game Color Red Wash Tie, Hatband Game Color Gold Yellow Game Color Sun Yellow Skin Model Color Mahogany Brown Game Color Parasite Brown Game Color Brown Rose Model Color Dark Brown Wash Base Coats The first step was to paint all the base colors throughout …

How to Paint Eyes with Kuro Cleanbrush Minis

Watch This: How to Paint Eyes with Kuro Cleanbrush Minis

They say eyes are the window to the soul, but probably only if you paint them straight. So learning how to paint eyes help make your faces look more believable and add character. With today’s Watch This, we have Kuro Cleanbrush Minis who shows off some nice tips. Sometimes it can be easier to watch someone show off a technique through a video than through pictures. So check out the video below and then I’ve got a cheat sheet underneath. How to Paint Eyes If you weren’t able to watch the video, I’ve summarized the main points below. The biggest takeaway: use the brush tip and clean your brush as the paint dries. General Tips Don’t use pure white for the eye, instead, choose an off-white Keep the paints thin so it doesn’t add texture to the eyes (use something like airbrush medium) Painting the eyes or the skin first is a matter of choice and how easy it would be to do one way or the other Don’t use a tiny brush (he used a …

Painting Guide for the Chthonians from Mansions of Madness

Chthonian Painting Tutorial for Mansions of Mansions

One of the scarier monsters of the game, the Chthonian are otherworldly monsters that appear from nowhere and swallow up the investigators.  Below I’ve put together a painting guide on how painted these beasts. Chthonian Painting List When I painted the Chthonians, I was going for a contrast: ‘natural’ colors for the main skin and strong colors for the tentacles. With that, I’ve put together the paints used before for reference Game Color Sombre Grey Game Color Wolf Grey Game Color Dark Green Wash Game Color Royal Purple Game Color Charred Brown Game Color Tan Game Color Warlord Purple Game Color Squid Pink Model Color Basic Skintone Model Color Scarlett Red Game Color Black Painting the Chthonian Skin For the skin, I started with gray dry brushes followed up with green and purple washes. This helped to create something that looked almost natural. Base Colors As with all my models, I paint the main colors so I can get a  sense of proportions between each block. The main body was done with Sombre Gray, the …

Watch This: Painting Tablescapes from Secret Weapon Miniatures

Watch This: Painting Tablescapes from Secret Weapon Miniature

Another new video is ready for Watch This series, this week is with Designer Warfare and painting Tablescape Tiles from Secret Weapon Miniatures. He paints up a few sections of the Urban Road (Clean and Damaged) with his airbrush for our enjoyment. I’ve been looking at picking up some of these Tablescape Tiles for my own gaming table and found this video super helpful. I hope you enjoy his fairly quick video on painting the streets and check out my cheat sheet notes below for later reference. Quick Reference for Painting Tablescapes Due to the manufacturing, some tiles may have variations in the plastic color Doesn’t affect the physical nature and is easily covered in primer (large plastic injection molding is hard and can leave harmless ‘sunbursts’ in plastic) Prime each tile with Grey Primer Use Model Air Pale Blue Grey, focusing on the sidewalk areas Keep some variation in the spray to add interest in each tile Avoid the cracks and recesses Paint craters with Army Painter Oak Brown Start at center of each and …

How to paint white skin and faces

How to Paint Light Skin – Broken Paintbrush Tutorial

Painting skin, particularly faces can be a challenge for beginner painters. Or even those, like me, who have been painting for years but never ‘got’ how to paint flesh. To learn, I challenged myself to create a tutorial on how to paint light skin. Much of this came out of creating a painting tutorial for each of the Mansions of Madness models. I’ve already done the tutorial for the dark skin models, so now it’s only fair to do the same for the light shades of skin. Below you will see I took five bare heads and tried slightly different techniques on each. From fast and dirty dry brush to only using washes to trying to do something more ‘advanced.’ Paint List Below are the paints I used for all five faces.ost of the colors came from Vallejo’s Skin Colors Set that I would highly recommend picking up. Game Color Heavy Skintone Model Color Sunny Skintone Model Color Basic Skintone Games Workshop Reikland Fleshshade Game Color Flesh Wash Game Color Red Wash Model Color Brown …

Harvey Walters from Mansions of Madness

Painting Harvey Walters of Mansions of Madness

What is an old man doing running around a creepy old mansion? Don’t underestimate the Prof! This week brings a tutorial on painting Harvey Walters, an investigator in the Mansions of Madness game. Harvey’s use in the game is to solve puzzles and has a relatively high sanity – ideal for when the monsters start to show up. He offsets his frailty with a magic staff that allows him to reduce any damage down to one, yup even a Shaggoth can’t swallow the old man whole. Painting wise, I wanted to give Professor Walters a classic suite, but with a hit of color. A white shirt, royal purple vest, and a black jacket it is. And to set off the vest, a bright yellow hanky. Color List As with the rest of the set, I’ve stuck to mostly the Vallejo range as I like their dropper bottles. All the Model Colors used are from the Painting Skin Set. Skintones: Model Color Light Brown Model Color Medium Fleshtone Model Color Basic Skintone Model Color Light Flesh …

Painting Basics Banner

Watch This: Painting Basics

In today’s Watch This we are going back to painting basics with NPCChris. This is a great video for anyone just starting out with painting, but also anyone who just wants to review the basics of painting a model. With the Watch This series, I look for videos that help with various aspects of our hobby that I want to share with you. I then embed the YouTube video below for you to watch – but don’t miss the notes I put together below the video. After watching the video myself a few times, I write up the highlights from the video for your reference. So let’s jump in and watch Chris share painting basics while he paints up his Troll. Painting Basics Notes I’ve put the following notes together from Chris’ video. This can help recap what you watched or summarize the different points he brings up. All models have three basic layers of paint: the base coat, highlights, and a shade. Can be done in different orders Single layer (wash) or multiple Prime your …

Review of Warcolours Paintbrushes

Cool Tools: Warcolours Paintbrushes

As you can image from my blog’s title (Broken Paintbrush), I’m rather hard on brushes. Even when using Brush Soap, my detail brushes seem to split almost as soon as I start the second model. This is why I’m excited to review the Warcolours Paintbrushes here. Disclaimer: Warcolours sent me a free set of paints and brushes to review for the Golden D6. The links below do include affiliate links, meaning that if you buy these great brushes, I get a small bonus to help fund this blog. Even though I got these for free, I still only recommend Cool Tools that I actually use and would want you to use too. Warcolours I first heard about Warcolours when Adam from the Golden D6 asked if I wanted to review their line. Try out free paints? Of course, I said yes! So Neo from Warcolours was awesome enough to send me a set of not only their paints but brushes and a pot of powder pigment as well. I wrote up a full review of the …

Stormcast with NMM

Good Reads Week 30

Looking for some hobby inspiration and modeling tips? This week’s Good Reads has you covered with bad primer,  all your bases, contempt, shiny yellow, and speedy lizards. Read on and explore something new! Good Reads is where I gather some of my favorite hobby blog posts from other writers and share them with you. Why? Because it can be so darn hard to catch all the incredible things being created and may even introduce you to someone new. So check out the articles below and leave a comment on their blog to give them some love. Fixing Grainy Primer Getting a good layer of primer on your model is an often overlooked step in painting, but provides the critical canvas for your paints to adhere to. If your primer spray ended up being a texture spray from being too cold, too far away, or the moon being in the wrong alignment, check out Thor’s great tip on fixing this annoying problem. Painting Desert Bases So I’ve got a new blog to feature here (well at least …

Watch This: Painting White

If you struggle painting white on your models, check out this week’s Watch This video. Here we have Dave G. from Wargaming Tradecraft showing you his method of painting this notoriously difficult color. So without further ado, check out Dave’s video but check out my notes below. Painting White Using Layers Steps for Painting White After watching the video myself I’ve put together my set of notes on his technique. I hope this cheat sheet can be useful as a handy reference to his video. First Dave gives a fantastic set of tips for watering down paints: Add a blob of paint to your brush Dip only the tip of the brush (covered in the blob) into some water Mix them together on your palette This provides a nice mix without added too much water to the layers, something I often struggle with. He has some great pictures showing this as well so catch his full article. Moving into the layering white: (first few steps not shown in video) Spray white primer over the model Wash the whole …

Painting Black Faces

Painting Dark Skin Tutorial

So as I’ve been painting the Mansions of Madness set lately, I’ve decided to add some diversity to the set. About a third of the humans were painted to look African American (the others were light skin and yellow-brown skin tones). In doing so, I decided to put together a painting dark skin tutorial. I also have a light skin version availible as well. When I started, I looked for some other tutorials and found an interesting one on the CoolMiniOrNot forums where Chrispy looked at different ethnic groups and created a color palette for each. The Thing to notice about the color pallet is there is no black in the skin, and it even gets up to a relatively pale color for the highlights. Even the pallet for the dark skinned Africans in his example are at most Black Brown color and still highlight up to the same pink/brown color. Alternatively, I found an article on Perry Miniatures where he painted up a Sudanese warrior. Instead of going the light brown routes, he highlighted with additions Fortress Grey until …

Watch This: Painting a Power Sword

Watch This is a regular series where I find a YouTube video that shows neat tricks or tips for our hobby. From painting, building, or photography, I will be looking for great videos for you to watch and write up a brief summary of the steps used. This week brings a video from Tabletop Minions with Sam Lenz. He gives a great step-by-step look into how his method of painting power swords. It’s a mix of Non-Metalic Metals with lightning effects and lots of brush licking*. *There is absolutely nothing wrong with licking your brush 🙂 Well ok, if I could break the habit myself, I would. Some of those paints taste nasty and leave the tip of my tongue tingly Check out the video here: Basic Steps For those who want a run down in text, I’ve put together his steps here on painting power swords: Create mix of water and Acrylic Retardant Lay out blue paints on wet pallet, near-white to dark blue (looked to be about 5 blues) include white and black at each end …