Good Reads Week 24
Welcome to another week of Good Reads where I showcase a handful of great blog posts from the last few weeks by other amazing bloggers. Check out the posts, hit up their blogs, and hopefully I can share something you may have missed. Making Mud James Wappel is best known for his ‘shaded basecoat’ technique and painting amazing models super fast. He does some great tutorials around the other aspects of the hobby including this great look at how he made very convincing mud bases for his Bolt Action tanks. Another Mansions of Madness Painter I’m still slogging through my miniatures from the Mansions of Madness game and it’s been great to watch Scott as he does a set as well. I’ve definitely stolen some ideas for the pieces I haven’t yet finished. Removing the Shine from Decals Decals are hard enough to set in place to where you need them to, let alone make them look like they fit into the rest of the model.  Judging Jester put together his thoughts on Army Painter’s Anti-shine medium …