Finished Works
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Painting the Dwarf Blood Bowl Team

In my excitement to get a set of Blood Bowl teams finished, I painted up two of the Dwarf players: a blocker and a Slayer. Given they are a fantasy sports team, I used bright yellow and blue for their armor. Here is how I am painting the dwarf blood bowl team.

Painting the Dwarf Blood Bowl Team

As with my Orc team, I painted them to be quick so that I can finish the team quickly. Yellow would seem to be an odd choice for a quick scheme, but WarColours One-Coat Yellow made it simple.

You can check out the color list at the bottom of the post.

Dwarven Blocker

I love the look of the Dwarven Blood Bowl players. They are tough and squat but are distinct from mail-clad warriors. They also have a nice balance between ornate armor and flat panels for decals.

Dwarf Blood Bowl Blocker

The long beards and braids add movement and regalness to them even if their bellies hang out a bit.

Dwarf Blood Bowl Blocker Back

I attempted to paint the blue gems as sapphires, which I think worked out fairly well.

Troll Slayer

The Troll Slayer was a useful second trial model as he is more bared skin than armor. Also, with his long orange beard, I wanted to make sure the color scheme would work. To do that, I made it more red than orange.

Dwarf Troll Slayer Blood Bowl Player

I wanted to try a darker skin for the Dwarves, in part to contrast well with the yellow armor.

Dwarf Troll Slayer Blood Bowl Player

I am a big fan of how the sculptor used the slayer’s beard to give him some height and action.

Painting the Dwarf Blood Bowl Team

Below is the list of paints I used to paint the Dwarves. Most of the paints are Vallejo unless otherwise noted. I added the closest Games Workshop paint, or at least the color I would have used from their range.

Dark Brown Cloth:

  1. Model Color Burnt Umber (Mornfang Brown)
  2. Game Color Dark Brown Wash (Agrax Earthshade)
  3. Game Color Earth (Steel Legion Drab)

Light Brown Cloth:

  1. Game Color Bonewhite (Ushabti Bone)
  2. Dark Brown Wash (Agrax Earthshade)
  3. Game Color Bonewhite (Ushabti Bone)

Yellow Armor:

  1. WarColours One-Coat Yellow (Averland Sunset)
  2. Dark Brown Wash (Agrax Earthshade)
  3. WarColours One-Coat Yellow (Layer up to Flash Gitz Yellow)
  4. Game Color White (White Scar)

Dark Skin:

  1. Game Color Earth (Steel Legion Drab)
  2. Dark Brown Wash
  3. Game Color Leather Brown (XV88)
  4. Game Color Khaki (Zandri Dust)


  1. Game Color Magic Blue (Caledor Sky)
  2. Game Color Electric Blue (Lothern Blue)
  3. Game Color White (White Scar)


I wrote up the full tutorial on the base over on Stepping Between Games, but here is the paint list:

  1. Game Color Parasite Brown
  2. Games Workshop Agrellan Badland
  3. Dark Brown Wash
  4. Green Flock, Static Grass, and Black Ballast

Up Next

I now have 10 more dwarves to finish before moving on to the next team, though I am sorely tempted to get the Death Roller. A drunken dwarf lawnmower? Yup!