Looking for some awesome hobby reads to check out? Good Reads 57 is finally here with some of my favorite posts from the last few weeks. There are so many excellent hobby bloggers out there sharing fantastic content, and this is a celebration of some of that work.
I owe big thanks to Scott (@brushwizard) for guilting me into finally getting this post written. Apparently, I have built up an expectation among some of you to get this out now and then!
So without further ado, here are your Good Reads:
A New Plague
The creative genius Da RedNekkz does a great job of converting and painting disgusting Nurgle, things. This converted Plague Caster is a perfect example of that. It’s fun to see how artists modify pieces to fit their vision.
A Son to Be Proud Of
Modian is well known for finishing whole armies in a week before selling them off to start the next. His current focus is this beautiful Sons of Horus, complete with a great looking Contemptor.
Build a Zone Mortalis from Scratch

Scratch Built Zone Mortalis by James
I’ve seen a few pictures of Zone Mortalis games, and it looks like a blast to play. The very pricy table didn’t stop James from creating his own tiles. Here he shares the supplies and steps he is using to build up his table for this high octane game.
How to Paint Copper
Speaking of Scott, he has been busy himself with painting his AdMech – with his custom Dominus almost making the cut here. As part of his constant exploration of painting, he wrote a tutorial on his high contrast copper look.
Dominate it All
Ok, so maybe his Tech Priest Dominus is well worth checking out too. This is an excellent conversion full of its own character and story. It’s been especially fun watching Scott build and paint this over the last few weeks on Twitter.
Colorful Bloat Drone
Ok, so many have been overwhelmed by that amount of Nurgle worshipers that have blessed us lately, but I liked Larg’s Blight Drone. Not only are the colors and paint job crisp and colorful, but I like his slight conversions to the drone. The removal of the top prop alone changes the look dramatically.
Making a Chibi
The Hobbyist Girl needed to make a gift for a fan of Deadpool. She also wanted to paint chibi. So she sculpted a Chibi version of Deadpool and shows us all the behind the scenes steps. What I liked about this project is that it shows you don’t need to sculpt super intricate details on everything, especially if you want to learn to sculpt.
The Side Show
While some of the INQ28 stuff is a bit out there for me, I liked this chariot queen by Big Boss Redskullz. There is a certain amount of impracticality, darkness, and oddness that meld well together. A great paint job helps complete the story.
Riding the Storm
The idea of a cavalry army is the far future has always struck me as odd and awesome. But to see Gothmog build a full Death Corp Mounted Company is amazing. It’s also fun to hear that the weakness of the army was the two tanks he took to fill in some heavy firepower. Clearly, needs more horses.
Good Reads 57 Wrap Up
Well that is is for this Good Reads. I have been so far behind in all things hobby that I know I missed a ton of other great projects. Feel free to add them to the comments for others to check out.
And, if you want a new post from me, you just have to guilt me into it on Twitter…