All posts filed under: 40k

Mmm… Chaos Sentinels…

I ordered these sentinels a couples of weeks ago from FRP Games and DogStarGames through Amazon (thanks work for that gift card!). Although I normally like to buy things from my LFGS, they don’t take Amazon points. I would recommend both of these stores if you do buy online, they both shipped within a day and were in my mail box a few days later. Anyway, onto the pictures! Two heavy sentinels armed with my favorite, non-Apocalypse weapon: plasma cannon goodness! I actually got these models because I like how the heavy sentinel looks and the fact it can mount up a plasma cannon is extra bonus points. It did take me a while to figure out how to glue the legs together. The legs are fully positional which is great to pose the model (and you can see some of the variation possible in my models here) but it makes it hard to glue it together. I found the best way was to glue the feet to the base as far to each side …

Warsmith Built and Primed

I’ve had this model since Christmas and have been trying to figure out how to turn the WFB Khorne Lord on Juggernaut into a mighty Warsmith of the Iron Warriors. The model as sculpted is a terrific looking model but the challenge was to make it look like it could fit into the 41st millennium. In the end I replaced the arms with CSM arms, added a CSM head and backpack and re-sculpted the cloak to fit the backpack. The power weapon is a combination of a CSM banner pole and a giant axe from the WFB Chaos Knights. The pictures are a bit hard to make out the detail due to the black primer but I am excited to start painting. Work on this will be interleaved with painting my hoard of Traitor Guard but I will continue to post pictures of the progress.

First Platoon Command Squad Painted

So I finally found the camera and took some pictures of the platoon command squad I’ve been painting as a test unit. I wanted to see how well an orange color scheme would look before painting 50+ models as well as the added bonus that Bell of Lost Souls is hosting a hobby challenge for command squads. I will need to take some better pictures when the squad is finished but I wanted to post some pictures as they now stand. click on the pictures for a larger image. The squad is currently armed with two grenade launchers, vox and a platoon banner. The commander carries a power sword and bolt pistol. As I build the army and start playing with it I may change up the squad a bit. I don’t think the banners are worth it but they are great visuals that this is a army dedicated to Chaos.

Troop Squad Three Done (with pictures!)

Finished up another troop squad of Chaos Space Marines for my Iron Warriors. This squad is wielding two melta-guns and led by a crazy, plasma gun and power fist loaded champion. Although this makes the champion a bit on the expensive side, he is invaluable when it comes to taking out armored dudes, armored tanks, or monstered fools. Unlike my other troop squad, these guys are fully finished. The icon needs no extra painting and the XIVs are all done. ~created this post a few weeks back but forgot to publish it!

Troop Squad Two Pictures Up

So this squad has been done for a while now, but like some of my other projects, it hasn’t had much love on the picture side. The banner, a few heads and the mace arm all come from the Chaos Knights kit for fantasy, but work well from my marines. This squad is plasma heavy with a plasma pistol and power fist bearing champion and two plasma gun luggin’ fools. Although these guys do a great deal of damage throughout my games, they usually don’t survive. Inevitably I roll a one when trying to blow up the tank to win the game, and fail my armour save. Oh well, they look cool and pack a punch! Although this squad is “done” I still need to figure out what to paint on the banner and add in the XIVs to the shoulder pads. I often field this squad in a Rhino as one of the attacking squads for any capture objectives missions. This allows me to move the tank 12″ up and still fire both plasma …

Chaos Titan Update (With Pictures)

So here are the promised pictures of my WIP Chaos Warhound Titan. The plans were from the bwc-archive Yahoo Group. I’ve been using various thicknesses of plastic card, foam board and plastic strips. I’ve done some sketching on the model with a Sharpie to get an idea of markings and adjustments to the model. So far it is really sturdy (and heavy…) so I’m not too worried about it getting knocked around in a game (unlike a paper version). The back took some work as the paper templates had nothing on the back side. I liked the look of the pipes on the Forge World model and imitated that. Also the vents were built one fin at a time because I couldn’t find anything that fit correctly. The engine top is from the Manufactorium set cut down to fit inside. This idea was from a project being done on dakka dakka. The wire grid is wielded metal fencing. The top is simply set into place so I can easily access the engine when I start …

Defiler Pictures

Finally, here are the pictures of my Iron Warrior Defiler. I entered this two weeks ago in a painting competition at my local GW store. This didn’t place, but I had a great time painting it (and the competition gave me a good excuse to finish it!). I didn’t do much conversion to the model, but I did build up a base for it from an old CD. Now that this model is finally built and painted I need to get him into a game and blow away all those silly loyalists! The guns are magnetized so if I later decide to go dual close combat arms or replace the flamer with a havoc, it will be a snap I also tried to magnetize the torso to the legs but it was too heavy for my little magnets so I had to pin it. The top still comes off for storage and transportation, but it can’t rotate during a game. The base is an old CD that I glued a layer of pink Styrofoam onto. …

Raptors Picture

Obviously these are not based off of GW Raptor models for Chaos. I’m not a big fan of how those look and metal models are much harder to work with. I built my Raptors from a Space Marine assult squad with additional bitz from a CSM box, Iron Warrior upgrade bitz and Chaos Knights (fantasy range). I have decided to use the GW Iron Warrior shoulder pads for my entire army both because I like the looks of them and I don’t like using decals.