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Tanksgiving Indeed

Just got back from the Tanksgiving event at the local GW store, and wow there were a lot of tanks there. One gent alone brought 200+ IG, Eldar and Tau tanks, walkers and a few Avatars. Although our store didn’t have the most in the region (two others had 1,000+!) we tallied up 800 tanks, walkers, large targets, monsters and supper heavies.

Now for some picts!

First up the growing tank arsenal of the 14th Grand Company:

Tanks of the 14th Grand Company

Tanks of the 14th Grand Company

And Group Shot #1

Tanks Giving 2009 #1And shot #2

Tanks Giving 2009 #2And more tanks!

Tanks Giving 2009 #3Sorry a few are a bit blurry, the camera was having some issues, but I think it gets the point across: a table full of tanks is crazy, but 4 tables full of tanks is crazier!

Also if you take a look at my tanks you get a peak of what is on my painting bench and been keeping me busy: 5 more Russes and a Chimera to bulk up my traitors!

Bane Wolves – ToEMP #7b Done and Must Have Unit

This is a combinational post. First of it is to display my second entry for ToEMPs but also for FTW’s request for our “Must Have Unit.” I’ve only played a few games for my traitor guard, but in all the games my Bane Wolves have made a huge difference by either killing 15 marines in one turn or taking a lot of shots while my lowly platoons take the objectives. These tanks aren’t real tough but they are fast and they are very deadly, which causes many people to fear them to the point of ignoring anything else.

Even though there are the disadvantages of running these tanks in a squadron, it does give them more survivability – I really just need one shot from the chem cannon to make that marine player cry 🙂 Also my fast attack slots are all filled with my scout and armored sentinels (which are other favorite units!).

Bane Wolf 1:

Bane Wolf 1 - Front

Bane Wolf 1 - Side

Bane Wolf 1 - Rear

And its pack mate, Bane Wolf 2:

Bane Wolf 2 - Front

Bane Wolf 2 - Side

Bane Wolf 2 - Rear

For the ToEMP this unit gives me an additional:

  • Vehicles x2: 20 pnts
  • Vehicle details x2: 10 pnts
  • Challenge 7b total: 30 pnts
  • Challenge 7 total: 37

Whats next? Well in part it depends on what the next challenge is for ToEMP but I have 4 Leman Russes in the mail to add to the one I have finished and the Demolisher I need to strip and repaint, this will give me a full squad of Leman Russes and a full squad of Demolishes! I would like to get these all done for Tanks-giving but we’ll see how that goes!

Tau Battle Suit – ToEMP #7a Done

I finished my body guard for the Shas’O. This is my second, and probably last for a while, Tau battle suit.

Tau Battle Suit

Armed with a plasma rifle, missile pod and shield generator this suit can either hunt tanks or MEQs at range, while sticking around for a bit.

Tau Battle Suit Left

This model is half of my submission for ToEMP #7 which earns me:

  • Large model: 2 pts
  • Icons/Marks: 1 pnt
  • Beating deadline: 2pnts
  • Meating Deadline: 2pnts
  • Total: 7 points!

I am also finishing up the second entry for Challenge #7 and here is the sneak peak:

wolf 1 - peak

Something New: Tau – ToEMP #6

Although I’m not sure if I will ever build up a full army, I succumbed to the desire to own a mecha army.  I like the idea and look of the Tau army so I thought I’d try out painting a few before committing.  After buying the codex and spending a few days searching Google Images I decided on the blue suits but wanted a worn and dirty look. I was inspired very much buy this guy on Advanced Tau Tactica.

Although I enjoyed painting this model, the battle suite models (I built another to escort the Shas’O) it is poorly designed and had a bunch of voids that needed filling. Even discarding the minor conversion work, I still needed to use a great deal of green stuff to smooth out the armor.

The armament was chosen more out of looks and “coolness” than perhaps competitiveness. I like the idea of the ion blaster, although (and maybe perhaps because) it is unpredictable and using the droid as the shield generator just looks cool.

Shas'O - Front

Shas'O - Left

Shas'O - Back

Shas'O - Right

Although  I was hoping to finish my bane wolves (which really are as good as they sound!) for this challenge but I haven’t got that far.  The next challenge is for fast attack and elites so I’m hoping to finish both my bane wolves and this fellow’s body guard.

Painting Points for this round:

  • Large Model: 2 points
  • Hard Challenge: 15 points
  • Meeting Deadline: 2 points
  • Total: 19 points

Nothing Like a Big Game to Get Excited Again

So I haven’t really been that active in the 40k world this last month for many reasons, one of which was a low excitement for the hobby. This was in part due to not playing a game in nearly 2 months. In the last two weeks though I have had the chance to play my traitor guard twice and took part in a ridiculously huge Apocalypse game.

My traitor guard played brilliant and pulled off a win in the last turn in both games. The first was against a small, elite space marine bike army that hit hard but was brittle. Highlight of that game was one of my platoon commanders surviving an assault of 3 bikers and in return cutting all three down with his power weapon! Game two was against a drop pod army hurt the turn it came in but lacked any mobility. Highlight of that game was my banewolves coming in from reserve and toasting an entire tactical squad. In revenge my opponent dropped his sternguard squad with 8 (yes eight!) combi-meltas next to my poor, innocent bane wolves and destroyed them both in a fiery, toxic blossom.

As for the Apoc game, I brought 3,500 points of my Iron Warriors with some of my traitor guard vehicles (I didn’t fell like pushing around 50+ guys in the 15 minute turns we would have). The game used all 5 of the store’s tables to create a 6’x20′ board! The mission was themed around the space wolves (surprise!) attempting to escape after stealing an artifact from the Thousand Sons, so the Space wolves and company setup on the three middle boards and were trying to make it off the small board edges. The enemy team (me being part of it) could set up to 12″ along any board edge. As you can see in the picture below I set up in one of the corners, determined to keep any of those loyal fools from escaping.

Apoc Game - My Deployment

Next to me was a huge hoard of Dark Eldar (I was surprised any one still plays them!) and holding the other corner was some Thousand Sons.

Apoc Game - My Direct Enemy

Directly in front of my was a spear head of Space Wolves and various other Space Marines. This picture was taken about 1/2 before the game started and before most of the rest of the board was filled. Turn one say this force surge towards my line and 8 drop pods land next to me, disgorging a dreadnought from each. My defiler, Land Raider and vindicator never had a chance to wreck havoc. In fact the only thing I had left at the end of the game was two of my Basilisks and a Rhino with a troop squad hiding inside. I did my job though and only one enemy squad made it off the board.

What can’t be seen in any of my pictures is the 40+ people crowding in around the table trying to push there men along and blow things up. Needless to say I left with a splitting head ache and a desire to play more 40k!

ToEMP challenge #6 is due in about a week, and after the high of an Apoc game I am determined to not only meet the challenge but to finish my banewolves as part of the bonus challenge!

Missile Launcher Squad – ToEMP #4 Done

Well I was hoping to have finished both this squad as well as the mortar squad for the 4th ToEMP challenge, but alas, I got distracted yet again. The 4th challenge was 60 points of what ever we felt like, as long as we gave a reason why we chose what we did. I picked this squad (and wanted to finish the mortar squad) because they are the “last” troops I need to paint for my traitor guard.  And when I say last, we all know that means: “all I currently have at this time, until I get inspired to buy more plastic crack…”

Any way onto the pictures:

Missile Launcher Heavy Weapon Squad

missile 1-leftmissile 1-rightI want my traitor guard to be colorful, but not over the top with mutations and such (the Iron Warriors really don’t like that type of thing).

For the fourth challenge I earn:

  • Foot sloggers x6: 6 points
  • Meeting deadline: 2 points

Total Points: 8

Total to date: 69

Hmm I didn’t really push my self to much for this challenge did I?

One of my many distracts for this last week will probably be part of the next challenge and I give a sneak peak here:

Bane Wolf

Scout Sentinels Finished – ToEMP Challenge 3 Meet

I finished these a few days back but haven’t had a chance to post until today. These are two more sentinels for my traitor guard army but scout versions armed (currently) with missile launchers.

Two traitor guard scout sentinels armed with missile launchers

the biggest conversion done on these is removing the roll bar and adding some spiky bitz. The banner is from the WFB flagellants from the Empire range.

Two traitor guard scout sentinels armed with missile launchers

The missile launchers are magnetized in case I decide multi-lasers or auto cannons are a better choice. I doubt I will mount lascannons as I have 6 of these on heavy weapon squads and having only bs 3 I would rather have multiple shots or blast weapons.

Two traitor guard scout sentinels armed with missile launchers

Two traitor guard scout sentinels armed with missile launchers

This also completes the current ToEMP challenge (I didn’t count the two armoured sentinels as I started them before the challenge was announced). Althogh I finished painting these a few days back I’m not counting these as complete until I post them here. For painting points this gives me:

  • Walkers x2 5 points each: 10 points
  • Lenses 1 point per model: 2 points
  • Walker details 5 points each: 10 points
  • Meeting Deadline: 2 points
  • Bonus points for detailed bases: 5 points

Total for Challenge 3: 29 points

Total Overall: 61 Points

I have only two heavy weapon teams left for my traitor guard to paint but I just dunked a bunch of my old Iron Warriors into a Simple Green bath so they may be up next on the painting desk.

Armour Sentinels Finished

I finished the last touches on my armoured sentinels a few days ago but haven’t had a chance to post the pictures yet. Although one of the options for the current ToEMP challenge is a fast attack, I’m not going to count these as I had them nearly finished before the challenge was announced. I have two scout sentinels that are coming along that I am using for the third challenge and should be posting wip shots soon.

Traitor Armour Sentinels from the FrontI used the same weathering on these guys as I did on my russ. The sentinel on the right also has some more chaos goo coming out the window. I needed to do something to fill the gap because after gluing on the upper plates I realized they were the wrong ones and the top plate doesn’t sit flush like it does with the one on the left.  So magic green stuff to the rescue!

Two traitor armoured sentinels From the Right

I’m not so sure about my attempt to create a glowing effect from the plasma cannon. It does mean that if I put a different weapon on these guys (the gun in magnetized) it will look funny with the green on the main armour. Oh well, can’t go wrong with plasma cannons right?

Two traitor armoured sentinels From the Left

Two Traitor Armoured Sentinels From the Top

As I said above: on my painting table is the scout versions of these guys armed with missile launchers. I am also taking a bunch of pictures as I paint them so I can try to do a step by step for both the vehicle as well as the drivers (which are painted like my foot sloggers). This are due on the 6th for ToEMP (a full week away!) so if I finish them up in a short time I may break out one of my many special characters from Chaos and repaint them (Fabius, Abaddon, Chypher?)

Traitor Guard Army Shots

So in celebration of finishing my Leman Russ and Armoured Sentinels (need to post finished pictures of them…) I thought I should post a group shot of my Traitor Guard army. I also needed to put together an official army list for the army for the painting competition on Sunday as well. As you can see they came a long way from just two months ago.

Traitor Guard General Leading His Horde

My company commander with his horde as his back drop and the two sentinels looming in the distance.

Traitor Guard Army Fully Painted

I am still needing to paint two more heavy weapon squads and two scout sentinels to finish what I currently have built. I also have another platoon worth of troops from a friend at the store but they may have to wait for some tanks to bolster the line first.

Traitor Guard Army Fully PaintedThe Army List using only what is painted:

  • HQ: Company Command Squad 137 pts
    • Company Commander with bolt pistol, power weapon and melta bombs
    • Veterans with regimental standard, medi-pack, plasmagun, vox, krak grenades
  • Troop: Platoon #1 352
    • Platoon Commander with bolt pistol, power weapon, melta bomb; standard, 2x grenade launchers, vox 77pts
    • 2x squads with vox, flamer, power weapon, melta bomb , krak grenades 85 pnts each
    • Heavy Weapon Squad with 3x lascannons 105 pnts
  • Troop: Platoon #2 352
    • Platoon Commander with bolt pistol, power weapon, melta bomb; standard, 2x grenade launchers, vox 77pts
    • 2x squads with vox, flamer, power weapon, melta bomb, krak grenades 85 pnts each
    • Heavy Weapon Squad with 3x lascannons 105 pnts
  • Fast Attack: Armoured Sentinels x2 with plasma cannons 150 pnts
  • Heavy Support: Leman Russ with lascannon, heavy bolters 185 pnts

Total: 1176

Traitor Leman Russ Complete – ToEMP Challenge 2 Done

Although I was hoping to have had a head start on the second challenge for 73rd’s A Tale of Even More Painters with my sentinels, I came back from my work trip to find the challenge was to paint an elites choice, and if none were available then a heavy support could be painted instead. I had neither choice planned for the short term for my traitor guard and didn’t even have any models I could put together for it, but luckily I had one of my brothers old Leman Russ tanks in the back of my closet. With his permission I have relinquished the tank from those who worship the corpse and added it to my growing horde.

Traitor Leman Russ Battle Tank for the Iron Army

I continued the Red/Orange/Yellow theme onto this tank to keep the army color scheme together. This is actually my first tank with “painted” armor, all my other tanks are silver for my Iron Warriors. This gave me the opportunity to apply paint scratches and wear.

Traitor Leman Russ Battle Tank for the Iron Army

The skull motif and XIV are unified across all of my tanks, linking them to the 14th Grand Company. The icon is from the dark elf warrior box, but works great for my tanks.

Traitor Leman Russ Battle Tank for the Iron Army

The process of pulling this tank together in just a few short days was helped by the fact my brother had this mostly built already. I simply had to add the tracks, remove those darn Aquilas and add some chaos flavor. Modifications were kept simple overall, some spikes were added to each sponsoon and around the top hatch.  Chaos star icons were also added to the back of each sponsoon (those plates fit perfectly into that spot!).

Back of a Traitor Leman Russ Battle Tank for the Iron Army

I also felt the cargo hold on the back needed some filling up. I debated on adding actual cargo, a blood sacrifice pool or some gnarly chaos goo. I decided to go with a gnarly chaos sacrifice goo with a victim pleading for help.  I continued this goo theme out the front viewing hatch of the tank (as well as on one of the sentinels).

Top of a Traitor Leman Russ Battle Tank for the Iron Army

I have yet to name this tank, I think I’ll leave that honor to my brother who was great enough to hand this tank off to me! (thanks Sean!)

Traitor Leman Russ Battle Tank for the Iron Army

For the ToEMP challenge this earns me:

  • Vehicle: 10 points
  • Icon/Symbols: 1 point
  • Eyes: 1 point (This is the only guy I’ve done the eyes on and he is dieing!)
  • Vehicle Details: 5 points
  • Meeting deadline: 2 points
  • beating deadline by 24 hours:  2 points
  • Game points: 185 (just shy of earning another assault card!)

Total for this tank: 21

Total so far: 32

Painting Tip: Brush Soap

Another quick tip for painting: using brush soap to clean your brushes.

Brush Soap

I picked up this tip from the manager of my local GW store. I had been having trouble with my brushes getting stiff and clogged. I know I should be washing my brushes with soap and water after each session but sometimes I just don’t want to be bothered or don’t have the time.

That is where this little dish of soap comes in handy: simple dip the brush in the water pot, wipe it across the soap a few time and rinse it again. While using this method I haven’t had any problems with dried paint in my brush and in fact older brushes cleaned up so well with this, they were actually usable again.

I picked up my soap at a local art supply shop but I’m sure any bar of soap could work, this is just in a handy, closable case.

Progress on the Heavy Sentinels

So after being inspired by DezartFox’s  World Eater Rhinos I started painting my heavy sentinels with a streaky red pattern. I quickly decided to modify the color scheme a bit to fit better with the rest of my army and started painting a fade to yellow to match my commander’s cape.

Heavy Sentinels Painting in Progress

Heavy Sentinels Painting in Progress

After painting the red/yellow with the large dry brush, I repainted the metal parts black before adding silver and soon the brass. As the first deadline for the ToEMP hasn’t yet passed, 73rd hasn’t released the details on the second challenge yet, so I am not sure if these sentinels will yet fulfill the requirements. If not, well I still have plenty of other models to get done.